
Monday, 26 March 2012


On Friday Caelan went off to school and he celebrated his birthday a day early with his class. During the months of February and March there has been a number of birthdays every week so the kids have eaten numerous cupcakes. What we didn't realise was that E was also celebrating her birthday on Friday. So it funny how both children arrived with non tradional cakes. E handed out Easter eggs while Caelan arrived with a Pop Corn Cake.
I got the idea while looking at a few of my favourite blogs and as luck would have it I hadn't visited Brown Paper Packages in a while and that's when I saw Kierste's post. I then jumped on Pinterest and added it to my 'favourite receipes board'. The recipe was really easy to follow the only thing I needed to do was convert a few of the ingredient requirements because its an American recipe. I also waited until as late as possible to make the cake because I didn't want the popcorn going stale.

The Popcorn Cake that went to school.
So having followed Kierste's instructions there is only one thing I'd change about the entire process. The recipe asks you to melt the marshmallows with the butter, then stir it through the popcorn and lollies. I would recommend reducing the amount of butter to a knob of butter so that it just coats the pot and then the marshmallow shouldn't stick. My other piece of advise is to work quickly as the marshmallow needs to stay soft while its been mixed together.
I was able to feed 30 people with this cake, I didn't give large portions because of the sweetness of the marshmallows. Each child loved that they got a lolly and popcorn all in one.


  1. This is so clever. I've never seen anything like it. Thanks for sharing. Jodi @

    1. Thanks for the comment. It really is the simplist cake to make, the popcorn took the longest to organise and that was only 2 minutes in the microwave. The kid's at school loved it so I'd say that its a winner.

  2. stumbled onto your blog via the blog hop and just wanted to show some blog luv! def enjoyed this post! new follower!

    1. Thanks for following. My computer hasn't counted you as a follower but its always good to have someone else read what your writting. I hope you enjoyed the BLOG HOP it was a great way to see other's show off there talent. Thanks

  3. Wow, this looks quite delicious!!! I bet my daughter would love it :)

    1. It really is nice. I didn't give out too much becuase I didn't want the kids to eat to much and possibly make themselves sick. Its good not to be classes as 'the mother who made my child sick'. I will do this again maybe when Viveca is a little older. My sister is having a going away party I've got heap more popcorn & marshmallows leftover so I might make another cake. Thanks for you blog parties.

  4. This is a great idea! My kids love popcorn and marshmallows. They just haven't had them together- yet!

    1. You should give it a try Kate. They might have a new favourite. It seems so logical now when you think about it. Wish I'd thought about it first but I can't take credit for it :). I'm going to do another one on Saturday night.
