
Wednesday, 28 March 2012

One step closer to completion

Today is Wednesday and it hasn't rained in the last three days so I was really excited to call into the block to see what's been done since I visited lasted Monday. It was good to see that all the brick work has been completed so now the focus has moved to the inside of the house. I'm so happy that we're at this stage, now if it rains the roof is protecting the guys and work should progress instead of being delayed with each downpour that hits the greater Brisbane area.
Finished brick work at the front of the house.
Mark has just rung me to give me an update of whats going on. Its great that he gives me his thoughts on the house's progress because I get an insight into how he thinks things are going. He just told me that the roof over the media room was leaking so he had the tile replaced and re-glued yesterday. He then mentioned that the plasterers are on site and they should be finished by the end of the week. From what I saw this morning I'd say they'll most likely finish before Friday.
Mackenna, Viveca and Quinlan came with me this morning, they seemed excited to see the plaster going up on the walls but even more excited to see the shape their bedrooms were taking. Both girls stood in their wardrobes while I took photos, Mackenna even has a place to hide. I'm going to take the kid's back this afternoon, we'll get a better look and we won't get in the way of the plasterers.

Mackenna hiding in her cupboard.
Viveca in the corner of her cupboard.
Its really good to see the house taking shape. Now when you walk in you're starting to see how things are going to look when the sun is shining through the window. Yesterday, the kitchen area was a little dark in the morning so I'll probably have to turn a few lights on every morning but I'm sure we'll work through all these issues not long after moving in.

So here's hoping that everything runs to schedule and the house is finished within the next eight to ten weeks. I can then start unpacking all our stuff, finding a place for it and then going about making this house a home.


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