
Wednesday, 21 March 2012

We're moving in....

The kids and I visited the block around lunchtime and when we drove into the street we saw cars everywhere. I did a quick count there was 14 utes, vans and small cars in and around our street. The children have never seen that many cars in our future street. The only problem was I ended up parking very close to one of my neighbours driveways and they came home just as I was getting all the kids out of the car. I had a quick meeting with the electrician because I felt I needed to add an extra power point and to move another power point. While I was there the boys had a talk with me about the lighting in the hallway, they thought I'd need an additional light due to a beam in the hallway that will create a dark spot. I agreed even though I really had not idea.

So with 14 cars I did a quick walk round to see who was there. We had 6 electricians, 3 roofers and 5 brickies all on site. I took a few photos as I didn't want to get in their way and I wanted the kids to get back in the car quickly as the rain was setting in. I'm going back on Thursday afternoon as the brickies will have finished by then.
Driving into the beginning of the street before turning.
Going into our street.
Mark rang me earlier today to run through the schedule, the tiler is coming on 6th April. Mark and I realised that this would be Good Friday so we'll have to wait until the 10th due to Easter and the public holidays. The fun part now is that I have to transport the tiles to the site and then conduct an hour long meeting with the tiler minus the kids. This should be fun especially as Tuesdays means that 3 children are at home with me, hoping Mr Opoes can help me out!
Near the Kitchen.
Looking out the the Garage into the yard.

On Friday I should have some more pictures to share with you, it'll be more bricks but I'm hoping you'll get to see the entire front, back and sides done so you can see how the bricks,roof and window frames all come together. The downpipes might even be done by then.



  1. How exciting! It's coming together!

    1. It's coming together BUT the rain we are having at the moment is slowing things down a bit. The good news is that the roof is on so after the bricks are finished all the work goes inside and we don't have to worry about the rain. We can't wait. Looking forward to moving in.

  2. Welcome Laura. That blog hop was great, I spent hours looking through other peoples blogs. There are soo many telanted people (women)out there. I'm going to go explore your site later when the kids are in bed just 8 hours to wait. Enjoy your day and thanks for joining my blog I'll be joining your's soon.
