
Monday, 21 October 2013

Time flies when you're having FUN

Today I've been reminded of the old saying 'Time flies when you're having fun' and I have to say although we weren't always having fun the time has flown by. Last Friday was Quinlan's second birthday and I have to say I don't really know were the times gone. I know we've moved three times, built a house, dealt with a couple of trips to the hospital and we've taken a trip away for the weekend but it seems to have flown by.  I must admit that we've packed a heap into the last twenty four months, however I just didn't seem to really notice that my baby was growing up and before I knew it he's two years old.

Quinlan has bought a heap of laughter, joy and happiness into our family and I thank God every day for having him in our lives. My favourite moments with Quinlan are when I make him giggle just by simply placing my hand up under his t-shirt and putting a finger near his armpit. The sound of him giggling fills the house and the smile on his face is priceless. Of all the children Quinlan has a very close and special bond with his daddy. He's more of a daddy's boy and to see the excitement when Mr Opoes walks through the door after work is enough to melt any ones heart. In saying all that I don't have a heap of photo's of Quinlan on his own or of Quinlan and his daddy together. So in the coming months I'm going to try and take more individual pictures of the children instead of group pictures.

I thought today I'd share a few of my favourite pictures with you to celebrate my baby turning two because before I know it he'll be standing in front of me getting ready for his first day of school. I sometimes wish that if I had a super power I'd slow time down as the years seem to be flying by and before you know it another year has gone by.
We had a fun weekend celebrating Quinlan's birthday and I would have to say that the highlight had to be watching all four of the children Ten Pin Bowling. Unfortunately, I didn't get the greatest photo's because I forgot to turn the flash on. I really need to enrol in a photography course and then I'd be brilliant.


  1. What a fun way to use that layout! I need to remember to use Canva! I have Pic Monkey in my bookmark bar and always default to that, but this is super cool!

    1. I agree Nicole I use Pic Monkey all the time but since joining Canva last week I've been impressed with what they offer. I must admit though I did use Pic Monkey to watermark and add the title on the outside so I found that having the two was GREAT...

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks for your lovely comment Susan I think that the picture layout is really easy to use and it helps shoe off my little man :) Thanks for visiting.

  3. that turned out really cute! I still need to get over and play around on Canva... love it! Emily

    1. Emily I still have a lot of playing around to do on Canva but I did have fun using it. Thanks for visiting.

  4. Thanks for a great read ! I love it. I love it so much, that the greedy visual-data gnome in me wants more !
