
Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Pantry Storage Containers

As many of you know I'm in desperate need of some sort of pantry storage containers that are going to help create the illusion that my Tupperware, plastics and lunchboxes are all organised. To be completely honest I need help organising the entire house, with a good dose of de-cluttering thrown in. So sometime this weekend I've decided that I'm going to tackle both pantries and if time permits I'm going to work on the rest of the kitchen. Two weeks ago I shared with you the woven baskets I'd purchased and sprayed pink. I decided that these baskets would make the perfect pantry storage containers.
After working on a to-do list I quickly realised that it would be a good idea to get some of the more decorative items finished before I tackled the pantry. I can't be the only person who does this? When I start cleaning and organising I come up with these great crafty ideas and then off I go to work on them. Days later, the area isn't clean, the crafty idea hasn't been started and I've got more mess than I started with. Not this time, I've made changes and fingers crossed it's going to work this time.

As these containers are going to be place up high in my pantry, at a glance I'm going to need to know what's inside. So I got to thinking about how I was going to label my baskets and that's when I remembered the tin of blackboard paint I purchased six months ago. I remembered a friend had earlier purchased some chalkboards and after contacting her I knew what I needed and where to get them from. So I made a quick trip to Bunnings to purchase some small MDF shapes from their craft section (thanks Mel from Mellywood's Mansion for that tip) which I then painted with the blackboard paint. I painted both sides just in case the MDF shape got damaged while I was using it. I was really happy with my first attempt using blackboard paint.
The last thing I did was to attach the MDF boards to the basket. Originally I was going to get a piece of string and tie each MDF board off from the top of the basket.  I then remembered I had some black bakers twine, so I searched around for that to use. However, the string would either move or come undone which wouldn't be too functional in the long run. So after a discussion with my very knowledgeable eight year old son we came up with the idea of tying them off on the inside. To achieve the finished look I had to use a darners needle and I worked with the wiring system within the basket.
I'm really happy with my little DIY Pantry Storage Containers so much so that I'm thinking of making a few more for the other pantry so that I can store light globes and any chemicals that I don't want the children to touch. Who knows I might just spray them bright orange. So do you think my baskets will add a pop of colour to the pantry? I know that they will hold a lot of my Tupperware and plastics but I may need to make up more especially with three children needing lunch boxes next year.


  1. They turned out fabulous, you're going to have the prettiest organised pantry

    1. Yes I think you're right Mel. It'll be very pretty but for how long is anyone's guess. What's funny is that my husband picked the colour so I've gotten a lot of male input for this little project. Can't wait until Saturday I'm cleaning, organising and de-cluttering all weekend :) so much FUN

  2. Looking good. Excited to see a pic of them in your clean, tidy & organised pantry on Monday.

    1. Thanks Renee. I will post an update next week so you can see how ORGANISED and TIDY my pantry is. Thanks for visiting.

  3. Looking good. Excited to see a pic of them in your clean, tidy & organised pantry on Monday.
