
Monday, 28 January 2013

Welcome 2013.....

So I've had 6 weeks away from blogging. I've spent quality time my kids and Mr Opoes during which time we have had a great time. Christmas has come and gone, 2013 is well under way and I've made my list of 'resolutions', the majority of them I've already broken or I will have by the end of February. It's the same every year, I have the best intentions. I really strive to address each item on my list BUT every year my list doesn't change much and I end up giving up trying to achieving anything around the beginning of February. So this year I only have a few things I want to achieve. Fingers crossed that I can work on achieving these few goals.

So these are the THREE most important things I want to achieve in 2013.

As you may remembered, last year I attempted to declutter the entire house while also trying to get it organised within a week. Sadly, nothing much changed. In less than a day the children came home and anything that I had achieved went out the window because their curious little minds and fingers wanted to investigate everything that I'd done. So this year I've booked a Professional Organiser who will work with me to declutter, organise and place our items so that the house is functional, while also been easy to manage and maintain. I'm hoping that the children will love the look of the house once its finished. After we've DECLUTTERED it I want to start educating the children on how to maintain the house and hopefully then I can introduce them to doing chores, I want to change the way they've lived and together I want us to take PRIDE in our house.

We've lived in our new house for 7½ months and in this time we haven't added a thing to it. I've had a heap of idea's, I've made lists, set budgets, priced everything, purchased a few small decorative things and then I've made adjustments to the list in the hope that it'll get me started on one of the planned projects. So my goal for 2013 is to decorate one area. Being a procrastinator means that I'm tossing up between our study and the kid's retreat area. At the moment the kid's area is more important especially as Caelan starts back at school tomorrow and he needs an area to do his homework.
Having the area set up also means that all the children can use the space, it'll give them a place to read and play while also giving me the opportunity to help Caelan with his homework. I've gathered a few images from Pinterest that I like and I've taped area's off in the room so that I can get a feel for the layout. One thing I've realised is that I might have to get an electrician to add another power point as the kid's will eventually need to use computers and with only one power point I'm not going to be able to run four laptops at once without causing major problems in the future. Having the electrician in now will allow use to work on the desk design so that I don't have to make any additional changes to it later. Here are a few things from my Pinterest board that I want to put into the room.

found here
found here

Fingers crossed I get things organised and that I can cross them off my ever growing list. Who knows once I finish the kids area I might get started on the study or maybe a few other area's.

Growing up my mother had this organisation system that allowed her to do all her housework, look after us kids and she still wore make up everyday. Unfortunately, I am not my mother. I've longed to have a beautifully, spotless house but unfortunately my organisational skills are no were near ready for me to be that brilliant. So this year I want to get better organised with my housework so that I can spend sometime each week to work on a craft project, a DIY project or even working on doing a bit of work on decorating one of the many lifeless rooms in our house. It would be great to get some type of system going so that I could possible work on creating a special space for each of the children. Who knows I could even get the opportunity to start sewing again or even doing something as simple as reading a book.
So although I only have three resolutions that I want to accomplish in 2013 I'm hoping that along the way I'll develop a system that will allow me to work towards getting rid of any future clutter so that I can get things under control. I'm thinking that once we get rid of all the negative energy (declutter) in our house we may have the ability to become more creative, we may develop skills we never knew we had or we may grow as individuals and as a family unit.  If nothing else I would really, really like to get this house cleaner so its set up for all of us to enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back I hope you enjoyed your time with the family.
