
Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Christmas wishes

I have had to drop my 12 Days of Christmas series that I was doing as things in our household have become quiet difficult. Mr Opoes went Interstate last week and with every child at home because of the school holidays for the next 6 weeks I have lost on my plate. Christmas seems to have crept up on us and there is a heap of stuff to do around our house.

The other stuff that's happening is that we are having the landscaper start on our yard so I'm going to have to take the children out every day due to the fact that we are going to have a heap of machinery and some people working on part one of the job. Therefore, I'm not able to blog and still look after the children as usual.

It's because of these reasons that I've decided to take six weeks off so that I can care for my family. So I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I'm looking forward to sharing more of the crazy , more recipes, hopefully some craft projects that I actually start and finish, that I get to cross off a few of the decor projects that I have in mind and that I finally get this house decluttered so that all our lives are more creative, loving, happy and fulfilling.

So I will see you back here at the end of January. Till then stay safe, enjoy your holiday's and keep your family close. Please pray for the families who were effected by last weeks incident and remember them this Christmas.




  1. Have a wonderful break Megs, enjoy the kids and the landscaping - how cool - you will need to take loads of photos to show us the before and afters.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family and will catch up in the New Year.
    Lots of love Natxxxx

    1. Thank you Natalie. I hope you guys enjoy your Christmas and New Year. I hope that you have much cooler weather than what we are having at the moments. I am now wishing we'd found a heap of money while we were building so that we could have had air con put in SADLY we don't even have ceiling fans. I will keep popping in to see what you and the family are up to and I'll check you out on Facebook. I won't stork you I promise.

      So Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year my NorthShore friend.
      Lots of love
      Megan xxxxxx
