
Monday, 17 September 2012

Transforming Tuesday's.

During the time I had off from my blog I had grand plans of doing so many projects that I’d be able to share with you after I returned. Well that never happened and so each night I sit here trying to think share something with you that won’t put you to sleep. I’m presently working on a little something to go into the study and I’m crossing my fingers that it’s successful.  Otherwise, I’ll have to tell you how everything went wrong.
So because I don’t have a whole heap of posts saved I have decided that starting on 2nd October I’m going to start a regular post each week. I’ve fallen in love with so many mouth-watering foods on Pinterest so I’ve decided that I’m going to try a new recipe every week. I’m hoping to learn some new recipes, a new technique or to try a different food so that I can broaden this family’s horizon in the world of food.
So I’ve created the Try Something New Tuesday board and every Tuesday I’ll be sharing with you what I’ve made. I’ll share my opinion about how the dish turned out, what the kid’s or Mr Opoes thought of it and I’ll show you a picture so that we can compare my dish to the original. I’m going to try and mix it up with each choose but be warned that my kids love biscuits, cakes, cupcakes etc. so I’ve already got thirteen recipes chosen and eight of those are cake or biscuit related. Feel free to give me suggestions, especially if I ruin the dish.
So I've allowed Mr Opoes to choose the first recipe I'll be trialling and he's picked something sweet. On Tuesday 2nd October I'll talk you through how I went making the lovely Red Velvet Cheesecake Brownies. If its a success I'm going to have to hide it from the children and Mr Opoes because I can guarantee that if its any good he'll eat four or five pieces in one go.
Sweet Pea 's Kitchen
So wish me luck on my cooking journey and I'll see if I can cross most of the recipes off my list.

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