
Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Crafting with my girls

Over the weekend I was going through a couple of boxes when I located a few of last year's Christmas presents. I started packing up some for our stuff from the rental two days after Christmas so it was easy to choose the gifts that would travel easily, especially as we were leaving our rental in early March. So while I was going through one of the boxes I found a few small presents the girls had been given and I thought that it would be good to swap these over for some of their old and tired toys.
In one of the boxes I found a beading kit that Uncle Nathan and Aunty Renee had given Mackenna so I hid it away so that the girls and I could work on it during the week while Mackenna was at home and not at Kindy. So that is how I managed to do my first ever craft project with both my girls today. Just after lunch I sat down with both the girls and I showed them what I had for them to do.
I was greeted with smiles, happiness and loud voices. There were ten little bags of various wooden beads and three lengths of pink elastics, so I promised the girls a necklace each and a bracelet. As the girls are only eighteen months apart they have to do everything the same, this means they eat at the same time, they each the same food, they have the same coloured plastic plates and they generally want what the other has even when we only have one of them. Mackenna will regularly tell strangers that they are 'twins' and people generally believe them.
So I spilt the beads up evenly so each girl had the same number and coloured beads. I asked each of them to choose a few larger beads and we made these beads the feature of the necklace and bracelet. I had to help both of the girls thread the beads on as the activity was aimed at older children. The other thing I had to do was to stick a large needle into each hole so that the girls could thread the elastic through the beads to create their necklaces and bracelets.
I held the bead while the girl's threaded them.
Viveca's pushing the elastic into the bead.
Mackenna having a turn.
I didn't fill the elastic with a whole heap of beads because I wanted to save some of the beads for the bracelet. I threaded the remaining beads onto the elastic, I then measured what size each bracelet needed to be and I knotted them so that they wouldn't fall off their arm. The girls are very happy with their handy work and now they are running around showing off their special jewellery.

This is what the finished pieces look like and I'm glad we did this together because it meant that each of them got some one on one time with mummy and they even got to make their own special necklace and bracelet.

Mackenna's Necklace.
Mackenna's Butterfly Bracelet.
Viveca's Strawberry Necklace.

Viveca's Lady Beetle Bracelet
Viveca likes her pieces so much that she wore them to bed and Mackenna has put hers in a plastic bag so that they don't break. Maybe mummy might be able to make herself something pretty one day.


  1. They are very cute! They make me think of HABA toys. How great that you made with your daughters!

    1. I had a great time making these with the girls and I'm hoping that we can do something together again soon especially as school hoildays start on Monday. The girls loved making them too, my youngest is 2 and she has worn them to bed every night. Thanks for dropping by.

  2. Hi Megan,
    I love this cute girls jewelry. I make jewelry myself, but for grown ups. I was wondering if you would like to be as a guest blogger on my blog and share this tutorial? It's going to be for a series of DIY Christmas gifts and this one would be perfect for little girls gifts.
    Let me know. Here is my blog: and you can e-mail me at

  3. Thank you Sandra for the lovely comments. My girls loved doing this activity with me. We have two weeks holiday starting on Monday, I'm going to try and get the older kids to make a few pieces which we'll use as birthday presents. I will contact you regarding your DIY Christmas gifts series that you're doing.
    Thanks :)
