
Thursday, 5 July 2012

Blog Update

As you all know we having been building a house for our family of six and I'd like to say that it's finally all ours. Handover from Coral Homes happened on 5th June. This was exciting BUT this then meant I had to organise and book the concrete to be done, the tiling of the entire house to happen, the carpet to be laid, the gas to be connected and finally the entire house needed to be cleaned so that we are ready to move the furniture in.

We are having the furniture arrive tomorrow, the storage shed needs to be emptied out and then everything needs to be put away. I can for see that we'll be living out of boxes for the next few months. I know that  you guys haven't seen any pictures lately of what the house looks like so on Friday I'll share some pictures of how the house looks prior to all the stuff arriving.

Then on Monday I have a necklace to share with you before I take a month off to get this house organised and up and running. During the time that I'm setting things up in the house I'm hoping that I'll have time to share are few projects with you. I already have an organisation solution I want to share with you.

So I hope you can check back on Friday to see how our house looks prior to furniture arriving and I'm sure that on Monday you'll like my handmade necklace that was inspired by Pintrest and my participation in Linda's Handmade Gift Exchange.  So I'll be seeing you on Friday.



  1. Can't wait to see the house so far!

    1. It's been a while since I shared pictures of what's been happening. It's pretty exciting to be moving in but it's also going to be a heap of work getting things organised. That's my goal this year 'to be more organised' it's great to be seven months into the year before I truely get to start working on that goal (better late than never) :)
