
Monday, 25 June 2012

Thirty Finds

Mr Opoes told me about a school fete that was happening nearby so we piled everyone in the car and off we went. The school had blocked off many of the streets surrounding it, this was a great idea as the number of people attending the fete was quiet large. Having a pram really limited access to all area’s which was a little off putting but what can you do? I really wanted to go up to the second floor because they were selling a heap of art and I’ve been thinking of buying a small piece for the new house. Didn’t make it up there as the kid’s weren’t happy and I wasn’t going to carry a pram up two flights of stairs.

I found out that there was a second hand clothing stall and I wanted to go see if I could get an avocado green t-shirt so that I could re-purpose it. So off we went down about 10 stairs, the kids entertained themselves looking at books while I trawled the clothes. I didn’t find anything that resembled an avocado so I moved on over to the books. The kids were quiet in grossed in the books so I moved on over to the trash and treasure section to have a quick look around.

This was what I found. I got these three wooden photo frames for $1.50 and $0.50 cents. I’m going to spray paint them both and then use them to create a gallery wall so you should see some of it from the front door or I’ll add them to the hallway that leads to the kids bedrooms.

The other item I purchased was this blue lamp base and it even came up with a light globe. I paid $3.00 for it and it’ll be the perfect lamp for Mackenna. I’m going to spray it a glossy white and then add a dark purple shade so that she can put it on her bedside table. Mackenna wants a purple bedroom but I don’t want to run the risk of her not liking the chosen colour. I’m going to add the purple using accessories so I’m hoping it works.

So what do you think? I’m happy with myself because I’ve never found anything that I’ve needed before, I’m hoping that there re-purposing is a success.


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