
Monday, 9 July 2012


Just a quick update as to why there is no necklace post today. I had my wisdom tooth removed late this afternoon so with the medication I'm on and my inability to keep my eyes open I'll have to write up my tutorial later in the week.

Thanks for understanding and I'll post my tutorial soon.


Friday, 6 July 2012

Our finished house...

So I promised some photographs of what the house looks like now that we have had it carpeted and tiled. We've put up a few sheets to cover the windows so the neighbours won't see us looking scary with our messy hair every morning and to also allow the kids to sleep to a reasonable hour instead of waking up when the sun rises.

Welcome to our entry I'm thinking of creating a gallery wall to show case all our precious memories and pictures of our family and our extended family.  I'm not sure of how I should go about this as most of the wall will be hidden from view. The hallway leads to the mud room and I think it would be a great place to display our pictures without it having to compete with anything else.

My kitchen which I helped design with my talented sister Renee. She is a draftesman and she also drew up the plans for the house to show Coral Homes what we wanted. It took Coral Homes four attempts to get the kitchen drawn up correctly even with the layout in front of them.

The dining room leads out to the Alfresco area so we should be able to enjoy early summertime evening meals as the heat is disappearing for the day. We were able to use the same tiles both inside and outside the only difference been the texture of the outside tiles are a little rougher.

I used a classic black and white colour palette for our ensuite because this will allow me to introduce other colours into the room with the introduction of accessories. I've purchased orange, purple and black towels for our ensuite and I'm looking for purple glass containers to hold our toothbrushes, soap etc. I've also got my beautiful wooden ladder to add to the room so I'm hoping everything comes together.

This is the kid's bathroom. My favourite thing in this room is the deep swimming pool bath tub I've had to go out and purchase a step so that the younger children will be able to climb into and out of the bath. The children's bathroom is mainly white with just a touch of black (Caesar stone benchtop and black feature tiles). Again I've got bright coloured towels to add a bit more colour into the room and I also have a wooden ladder for the children to hang their towels off.

To achieve a classic style means that I'm going to have to change the majority of our furniture. I want to try and add some small antique items into the decor so that there is a little bit of me in each area. Mr Opoes and I thought that having charcoal black carpet would allow us to use other colours to change up the decor whenever we get bored.

When the curtains are open you can see that the carpet is actually charcoal in colour but as I'm going to have a double curtain pole I'll be able to have some light been let through without it fading the carpet.

So I hope you have enjoyed the tour of our new little house. Here's hoping I'll be able to unpack, organise and decorate the house so that it looks classy while also been our family home.


Thursday, 5 July 2012

Blog Update

As you all know we having been building a house for our family of six and I'd like to say that it's finally all ours. Handover from Coral Homes happened on 5th June. This was exciting BUT this then meant I had to organise and book the concrete to be done, the tiling of the entire house to happen, the carpet to be laid, the gas to be connected and finally the entire house needed to be cleaned so that we are ready to move the furniture in.

We are having the furniture arrive tomorrow, the storage shed needs to be emptied out and then everything needs to be put away. I can for see that we'll be living out of boxes for the next few months. I know that  you guys haven't seen any pictures lately of what the house looks like so on Friday I'll share some pictures of how the house looks prior to all the stuff arriving.

Then on Monday I have a necklace to share with you before I take a month off to get this house organised and up and running. During the time that I'm setting things up in the house I'm hoping that I'll have time to share are few projects with you. I already have an organisation solution I want to share with you.

So I hope you can check back on Friday to see how our house looks prior to furniture arriving and I'm sure that on Monday you'll like my handmade necklace that was inspired by Pintrest and my participation in Linda's Handmade Gift Exchange.  So I'll be seeing you on Friday.
