
Monday, 9 July 2012


Just a quick update as to why there is no necklace post today. I had my wisdom tooth removed late this afternoon so with the medication I'm on and my inability to keep my eyes open I'll have to write up my tutorial later in the week.

Thanks for understanding and I'll post my tutorial soon.



  1. Hey Megan - I hope you're all healed up now. Been missing you and your posts - let me know you're okay. Big hugs xx Nat

    1. Thank you for the well wishes Nat. Everything is fine with me but the kids have all been sick and life has gotten in the way. I'm hoping to start back at the blog next month and to post more regularly. Love all the work you have been doing lately. It was also great to see the All Blacks win against Australia the other night hoping that they will beat them again this coming weekend. xx Megan

    2. I so understand - Winter is not good for the kids , we currently have 2 out of 3 with horrible colds and ear infections etc.
      Don't be gone for too long - miss seeing you around - I hope you are enjoying the house.
      I didn't see the match or even hear about it - eeek - we pretty much have kids tv on all the bloody time at the moment cos the kids tv broke last month and we havn't replaced it yet - I feel like I'm living in a bubble lol. That and I'm working non-stop now with orders - I'm pretty happy with the Etsy store in the 2 weeks its been running but I have also had so many word of mouth orders locally. I'm not complaining - just so so busy.
      Take care hun xxxx
