
Saturday, 5 May 2012

Stencilled Beauties

I've started looking for various household items that we're going to need for the house. I've also started looking at home decor stores in the hope that I can either find decorating ideas, locate unique items to display in our home or I may find something that I could make myself. So today I went looking for some bath towels for the children's bathroom. I'm wanting bright coloured towels and so far I've been looking at getting purple towels and maybe some orange towels especially as they are opposite each other on the colour chart.

I went to the Sheridan Factory Outlet store as I was sure they'd have lovely bath towels at unbelievable prices. How wrong was I. Their colour selection was tired and so 2011, this was a little upsetting as I'd been looking forward to placing those pretty babies on lay-by. They had a heap of nice bedding but as it'll be another two months before we move in I didn't want to buy something that I wouldn't be able to return especially if it was the wrong colour.

I didn't walk out of there without  finding a few lovely nice things. So I purchased these three beautiful pillowcases which I'm going to turn into cushion covers to use in the family room as it backs onto the kitchen. I'm having orange pendant lights in my kitchen so I found some pillowcases that had a great stencilled pattern on them and as it's one of my favourite stencils at the moment I just had to buy them.

I really like everyone of these pillowcases but my favourite would have to be the orange one. These were marked down from $15.00 to $7.48 and then I got a further 20% off the price. I also joined the loyalty club so now I get to find out when they're having further discounts on sale items. I actually saved some money.


1 comment:

  1. Purple and orange towels would be really cool together. I've always liked those colors together. I can't wait to see the house all done!
