
Monday, 7 May 2012

Public Holiday Fun

We had a lovely public holiday today to celebrate Labour Day. In the past when there's been a public holiday we have gone off to the shop's and wasted time walking around window shopping. As all the shopping centres were closed today we had two options when it came to trying to entertain the children. I'd thought about going on a picnic like last weekend especially as the children had so much fun or we could take a little trip to the local park and watch the children run around for a little while.

So off to Bribie Island it was for some playing, accidental learning and a bit of lunch. The photographs we took are very staged but that's how we like to do it in our family. Mr Opoes and I both try to take photographs of the kids when they aren't posing but unfortunately it never goes according to plan.

The kid's loved the look of this river because as Caelan said it looked like urine.


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