
Thursday, 23 February 2012

The writing's on the wall for Australian politics

I got another phone call from Mark (building supervisor) wanting to know where our variation to the linen cupboard was? Mr Opoes had to fax it to him from work, we don't want any more delays with the build. Mark then advised that despite the bad weather looming, the carpenters had arrived on site and started on time. This news set my mind racing, will the weather hold to allow the work to get a good start? The forecast is for wet weather all week.
In the afternoon after school, the kids and I made our near daily trip to the site to see what had been done. I was surprised to find that significant prep work had been done by the chippies. Coral Homes gets their carpenters to construct the frame on site which means that it can take a little bit longer.  
This is just one of the piles of treated timber cut to size and sorted by room.

I thought this picture was an omen to what happened politically a few hours later in Australia.
The chippies write on the timber to identify the room and to save confusion.
Come Monday morning the Labour Party will be writing either Kevin Rudd or Julia Gillard's name on a ballot paper to determine who'll be Australia's Prime Minister. Hope this can save Australian's from confusion.

The finished wall frames are been placed on our alfresco slab which will allow for the chippies to easily move them around considering that the alfresco area is in the middle section of out house. I wander if putting the wall frames up will make the house look big or small?
These are finished wall frames, so things are starting to take shape.

The rainwater tank has arrived. Hoping the guys have placed it in the correct position because the way the weather is looking we might have a full tank prior to moving into the house once its completed.

I think the tanks brought the rain because shortly after these photos were taken, the weather closed in and there was a thunderstorm. The good news was that the guys got a full days work in before the rain arrived. Hopefully the same can happen for the rest of the week as there are more storms forecast. 


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