
Friday, 24 February 2012

Slimline Colorbond Water Tank

It's funny with all the planning, preparation and decisions made while getting organised to build a house you'd think that you would remember all most of the choices you've made. So you can imagine that we'd remember we'd always wanted to install a Colorbond slimline water tank on our block. Here's a few of the reasons why a slimline was need:
                        P   they take up less room
                        P   we didn't need to have our boundaries relaxed 
                        P   they are less likely to deteriorate over time
                        P   we had more colour choices

This is the style and size we've chosen
So last night I was showing Mr Opoes the photographs I had of the timber frame work and he saw the picture of the water tank which I wrote about here. He asked me if I was happy with the colour, the size of the tank and how plastic it looked. I said YES to each question and then began thinking at least it will be filling up due to the heavy rain we were experiencing at that very moment.

At lunchtime I rang Mr Opoes after I realised that the price we'd paid for the water tank didn't marry up with the product that had been delivered. I had Mr Opoes contact David (from their customer service department) to clarify
Notice anything different
that we had ordered a slimline water tank. Although I was heavily pregnant while all this was happening I was sure we'd gone with the slimline tank because I remember looking into purchasing one outright as I knew a 5000 litre tank wasn't what we were being quoted. In the end I stopped researching because it would have meant insuring it which would have cost us a heap more money.

As I was about to pick the children up from school I had Mr Opoes find out what was happening so that the water tank could be changed without it causing too many issues with the framework been put together.

At 4pm Mark rang to inform me that he had ordered the slimline but it was going to take 10 working days to deliver it. This means another variation form to fill in, sign, fax and post away. So far we have about 10 variations that we've done so I'm hoping that there isn't too many more.

Due to this happening today I'll blog about our brand new lights over the weekend. I hope you have a great weekend, I'll be looking after the kids solo on Saturday as Mr Opoes is attending an all day workshop to help plan for future development at Caelan's school.


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