
Monday, 2 December 2013

Candy Cane Bark

Christmas is twenty three days away and I've been a busy bee making Christmas ornaments, helping the children write out their Christmas cards and organising the last pieces of the teacher's gifts. Mackenna's kindy teacher loves chocolate, all the mother's know this so you can imagine how many chocolate bars she's going to receive in the next two weeks. Mackenna and I spoke about what chocolate to give Karen, however many of her suggestions were expensive therefore out of the question.

I'd recently visited one of my fellow Aussie bloggers and on this particular day Corrie talked about her love of Peppermint Bark thanks to Pinterest. It got me to thinking that this might be the be the ideal present for a lover of chocolate. So I followed Corrie's directions as I loved the look of hers but I did something different. Wait for it, I added CANDY CANES. The kid's had picked up at least fifteen of them at a recent event and I just didn't want them eating all that sugar in the lead up to Christmas so they were ideal to use for Karen's Christmas gift.
Now I was really happy with the way my Candy Canes turned out, especially after I'd spent an hour trying to crush the candy inside a plastic bag. My plastic bag and rolling pin method failed because the candy was soft and it just stuck together. I was fortunate enough to be having a Thermomix demonstration and she was able to produce the slivers that I wanted. To stop them from sticking together I just refrigerated them overnight and then banged them with the rolling pin before I sprinkled them over the top of the chocolate.

I'm really happy with the way my Candy Cane Bark turned out and I have to say that it was extremely easy. I will definitely be making this again as the children get a heap of lollies at Christmas. When Mackenna gave her present to Karen she was surprised to learn that I'd made the Candy Cane Bark for her. I'm really happy with how the gift looked and I know that Mackenna was smiling from ear to ear when she walked into kindy with her gift. For my first attempt at Chocolate Bark I'm really happy with what I created, so much so I've hidden some in the refrigerator. Shh don't tell anyone.



  1. Looks scrumptious. Kim from 4 Ingredients was on the radio last week showcasing this recipe too. Might have to give it a whirl. Thanks for the reminder.

    1. It is scrumptious Renee and so easy. I've seen this on Pinterest but I always thought it was difficult to make but yes four ingredients and its all done. When you make it REMEMBER to refrigerate it as you won't want it to melt in Townsville. Thanks for visiting.

  2. YUMMMMM!! Sadly I bought 36 Last week & my lot have eaten them all lol I'd have to hide it. I'm aiming for a completely bake free Christmas because its getting HOT here
