
Monday, 11 November 2013

Something exciting is coming....

I mentioned last week that Christmas was only a matter of weeks away. For me these few weeks will be filled organising, planning, shopping and making sure I've got everything I need. I have something very exciting happening in the next few days so I hope that you come back to see how I might be able to help you create a great Christmas for you and your family.
I won't be posting much this week as Mr Opoes is away on a business trip and I'll be manning the home front all on my lonesome. I've got plans to make a few Christmas Ornaments while my husband is away but this will all depend on how the kids and I go. I got all my supplies over the weekend however I've had a few issues with a circle punch I purchased so I'll have to go and get another one. Fingers crossed this on works.
If you want to know more about what my exciting news you might be come visit me on Facebook link is at the top right corner of my blog to see more. You might even be lucky to see my new and improved hole punch. Can't wait to share my exciting news with you.

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