
Monday, 4 November 2013

Mini German Pancakes

Usually when I share a recipe with you, I label it 'Try Something New Tuesday',  I have great things to say about the recipe and I take some pretty average pictures. Unfortunately, today I have a few great pictures and a bad recipe. I first saw this recipe last week on Facebook when my sister shared it and immediately I fell in love with them, I wanted to make them for breakfast on the weekend. The picture is what sold them plus three super excited children who also wanted to try the Mini German Pancakes.

Weekend sleep in's in our house are non existent. Viveca woke me at 5.30am, to inform me we hadn't given her medicine last night and she really needed it. As I was somewhat awake I thought it would be a good time to try out the Mini German Pancakes for Sunday breakfast. Viveca was also excited because it meant she could sit beside me and watch without having to compete with three other children all vying for a look see. Now, these mini pancakes looked very technical. I made sure I read the instructions a few times just to get an understanding of what I needed to do. I think the biggest mistake I made was, not reading the comment section from the original source Real Mom Kitchen.
At last count there were 177 comments left on her blog relating to this recipe. The majority of people who left comments weren't happy with the outcome, the number of eggs used and the taste. If I was to leave a comment I would have to agree with the people who stated that their Mini German Pancakes looked more like muffins than a pancake with a creator in it (wish I'd read this before I started, would have saved six eggs).

Mini German Pancakes
1 cup milk
6 eggs
1 cup flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon orange zest (optional)
1/4 cup butter, melted.
icing sugar
1. Preheat oven to 400° F. (200°C oven or 180°C fan forced oven)
2. blend the first six ingredients (from milk to orange zest) in a blender. Be careful to blend any flour clumps that may form as you don't want floury pancakes.
3. Blend in the butter a little at a time in order to temper the eggs.
4. Grease your muffin tins well and distribute the batter evenly between the tins, try to have each time half or three quarters full. (use a measuring cup to fill the muffin tin may assist)
5. Bake for 15 minutes or until puffy and golden on top.
6. Once out of the oven a creator should appear, dust with icing sugar and fill with the your favourite fruit or topping.

Even though I won't make these again the children didn't seem to mind them. Viveca enjoyed the fruit more so it wasn't a total waste of time but I would call it a FAIL. I could have made the pancakes and the children could have eaten all their breakfast in the time it took me to make these fancier pancakes. I thought I'd share a picture of the finished product with you so you can see what mine looked like. Overall, the children liked these more because of the icing sugar and the fruit than they did the overall taste. I had a little taste and I found them to be tasteless which was very disappointing. I won't be making these again. So tell me, have you made something only to find it was a complete FAILURE?



  1. That is such a shame, especially considering the overall cost of the ingredients. 6 eggs would have been the equivalent of 2 days laying for my hens. Glad you gave it a go though, saves me trying it now..... LOL :)

    1. Yes six eggs is a lot to ask especially when you follow the recipe. Mine turned into muffins which people complained about when they bought the store bought pre-mix. I was really looking forward to having one of these for breakfast. I ended up having muesli again so maybe I'll have to try something different next weekend. I'm going to get hens one day.... just have to get organised with the backyard and maybe two side gates.... :) Thanks for stopping by

  2. Oh I've wanted to try it too, sorry they were crap thanks for bring honest :)

  3. You're welcome Mel it was disappointing considering all the effort I put into making them. I'm thankful though that my eldest and his father ate them and the other three tried them before deciding to only eat the fruit. I think the peanut butter on toast was much better than the German Pancakes... Oh well we'll just stick to normal pancakes
