
Monday, 2 September 2013


Today's the second day of Spring, this means I have to start getting the garden prepared so that we're ready to grow some vegetables that the kid's will eat. I've spent the last few day's researching the benefits of using a store bought metal raised garden bed verses us building a wooden raised garden bed. After looking at various web sites I've decided to purchase a metal garden bed because we've a number of events coming up which won't leave us much time to construct the garden bed, plant it out and then wait for it to grow.

So on Saturday while the girls and I went off to Weight Watchers I had the boys go to our local Aldi supermarket to purchase two raised metal garden beds as they were on special and this meant that we were able to save $20 per garden bed by getting them from Aldi instead of the local hardware store. While the boy's were picking up the garden bed's my amazing husband discovered that Aldi were also selling packet seeds and 100mm tomato seedlings for really good prices so he picked up a 100mm tomato seedling and nine packet seeds. So when it comes to putting the garden bed together we will have something to plant in it.
Next weekend when the whole of Australia is at polling booths across the nation voting for the next Australian Prime Minister we'll be out in the backyard putting our garden beads together, purchasing soil, fertiliser and then planting my little seeds and my tomato plant. I can't wait to see how it all goes and in ten days up to sixteen weeks I might have something to harvest. I'm also hoping that Caelan has fun working on our little veggie patch together because when he did gardening club last year he really enjoyed it.
So if you have a veggie patch and you have any tips you'd like to share please leave me a message in the comment section as I'd like to hear how things turned out for you. Next week I'll show you how Mr Opoes and I went about putting the garden bed together and if time allows I'll also share how I planted my seeds.


  1. Boo to voting but I have those ones for aldi and they're great, good luck with the garden! Tip is to use heirloom seeds look up the diggers club they have the best tasting veggies with no modifications all natural

    1. Yes voting will be so much fun ha ha. Thank you for the tip on the seeds I'll look them up tonight when the husband gets home. I'm going to add a pool noodle to the top of the garden bed especially as I have an inquisitive 22 month old and I want to protect his fingers. Thank you for stopping by.

  2. In the past, when I had a really scrumptious veggie (cherry tom, tom, capsicum, etc.), I've reserved a few seeds & planted them directly into the soil. I didn't dry them out or anything, so germination was quicker. Have fun & good luck. I love the idea of the pool noodle. I might do this to our beds too, to stop inquisitive chickens poking about.

  3. In the past, when I had a really scrumptious veggie (cherry tom, tom, capsicum, etc.), I've reserved a few seeds & planted them directly into the soil. I didn't dry them out or anything, so germination was quicker. Have fun & good luck. I love the idea of the pool noodle. I might do this to our beds too, to stop inquisitive chickens poking about.

  4. In the past, when I had a really scrumptious veggie (cherry tom, tom, capsicum, etc.), I've reserved a few seeds & planted them directly into the soil. I didn't dry them out or anything, so germination was quicker. Have fun & good luck. I love the idea of the pool noodle. I might do this to our beds too, to stop inquisitive chickens poking about.

    1. Thank you for the hints regarding the seeds Renee. I went off to my local store to pick up a few pool noodles today and they didn't have any so it looks like I might be late night shopping to see what I can find at the dollar store. Good luck keeping your chickens out of your veggie patch.
