
Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Pantry Organisation

Last week while visiting one of my favourite link parties I discovered Mary Organizes and her 91 day De-Clutter Challenge. I always love a good de-clutter series, I've participated in three different series so far this year and with each series I seem to take a few steps forward but they are never long lasting. Back in February I participated in an intense seven day organisation program that saw me putting up to five hours each day so that I could officially say we'd unpacked after moving into our house eight months earlier. During this process I was happy to have moved the car into the garage.
Unfortunately, my time management skills need an overhaul as I find myself never finishing jobs that need doing. One of my blog friends shared this on her Facebook page and although I had a good laugh I'd have to say that I'm one of these Twelve Procrastination Types. Can you guess which one??

Sunday night saw me feeling down as I realised another weekend had passed and my to-do list hadn't changed if anything it had gotten bigger. It was then that Mr Opoes and I started a conversation about what we needed to do in order to achieve our DREAM of living in a clutter free home. One thing Mr Opoes said he needed was a short break especially as he's been working hard since the beginning of the new financial year. The children have also been asking when they could have another small trip away since the one we had last month. So Mr Opoes suggested the he take the kids on a short break next month, while they're gone I'm going to spend the time organising the kitchen and dining room as we tend to spend most of our time in this area.
I've always known that my husband is a good father but to volunteer to look after four children, over the weekend on his own is just brilliant. I'm hoping that he likes what I've done when he returns and that the children will see the change because over the Christmas holiday's I've got plans.. My plan is to create a chore chart, install a routine especially as Mackenna will be starting school next year and to work on keeping their bedrooms clean ha ha. I want to use the eight weeks productively instead of the house filling up with school supplies, Christmas presents and rubbish that they don't want to get rid of.
As you can imagine I've made plans to add colour, style and some organisation into the kitchen so that it functions better in the coming months. I'm planning on ticking off these little project in the coming weeks so that when it's time to de-clutter I'll be organised enough that the task gets completed within the time allowed. I'm working on a storage area for my collection of Retro Tupperware which my mother in law gave me when we moved in. I've managed to cut it down from two large boxes to one cardboard box however I'm going to need a number of cane baskets as I can't find anything big enough that fits in the space. I'm hoping that the colour works well with the kitchen, especially as Mr Opoes choose the colour back in May when we talked about the direction we wanted to follow in the kitchen.

So what do you think of the pink? The baskets will be sitting in the pantry so you won't see them the moment you walk into the kitchen but depending on the angle you're standing you'll see some of the colour showing through. I'm also going to add blackboard labels so that the kids can put things away especially if they're on dishwasher duty. I've also got a plan for a small amount of pink to go on the bench near the oven so that it all ties in together.
I'd love the hear your thoughts on the pink storage baskets, what type of 'procrastinator' you are and what type of 'procrastinator' you think I am.


  1. I really like that you have started with a simple white on white home and are adding personality with pops of colours here and there.

    1. Thanks we thought that having white and black as our basic colours we'd be able to change things up when ever we wanted to and it would be as simple as adding a new colour or pattern depending on what we liked at the time. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Clutter is so hard to deal with! The thing that helps me the most is when we have visitors, it makes me have a sudden cleaning spritz. Also nothing like watching an episode of hoarders to give you a boost of motivation! lol. Good on you for giving it a go, I find it hard enough to keep our place clean, let alone with 4 kids trailing behind you! I think it will be great for the kids to get involved though, wish someone had taught my partner to clean and look after himself at some stage before I came along haha.

    1. Clutter is hard to deal with Lauren especially when family has four children to purchase gifts for. I'm happy now to be doing the housework back in January was difficult especially when the landscaping was been completed. I'm still removing dirt from around the windows :( My husband is good at picking up after himself my children don't follow daddies lead. I looked through your blog and I love you colourful wall. I just completed a colourful gallery wall in our entry if you scroll down past this post you'll find it under 'framing the entry - the reveal'. Thanks for visiting :)

    2. Oh I know that feeling with the dirt everywhere! We still haven't quite sorted out our yard yet, there's still a lot of dirt and dust. Loving seeing your progress!
