
Monday, 26 August 2013

Blogging Again

Welcome back to my little piece of the blogging universe. As you may or may not have noticed I’ve been MIA during the last twenty plus weeks. Unfortunately, this wasn’t because I’d been whisked away to a beautiful tropical holiday resort - I’ve just been busy looking after sick children, getting over the flu and working hard to improve my relationship with Mr Opoes. One thing I’ve come to realise in the last few weeks is that when times are tough you’ll discover who your true friends are and the same can be said about close family members as they too may desert you.
Now I’m not someone who likes to tell everybody my business so you won’t read anything here that is too personal. I will share my personal weight loss journey, interesting things that the kids have done, craft projects the kids and I have done together, things that I’ve discovered that I think you might be interested in and there might even be times when I try getting things off my chest without going into too much detail. Don’t get me wrong I won’t be airing my dirty laundry all the time BUT sometimes I might just have to get it off my chest.  Please don’t judge me because by no means am I doing everything right. Although motherhood is difficult at times I am blessed everyday by things that the children say, do and show me. All in all I have found that I've spread myself too thin (wish my weight was looking that good) so I've taken the time to focus of been a better mum, wife and friend. Let's talk about more positive things..

So what have I been doing since my last post?
I've had a few visits to the Emergency department due to Quinlan been really sick with Pneumonia, then moved onto weekly doctors visits just to make sure he's gaining weight, trying to make the children happy while daddy's been away on business trips, rang up to get quotes for built in bookcases, a 3 metre long desk and curtains to go into the kid's play area. I've tried to work these quotes into our families budget BUT some of these dream items will be left sitting on the shelf for a long time. I've been planning on making this little house of ours into a home and one of the last things I've been doing is taking time out for 'myself'. I read earlier in the year that to be a better mother and wife you should look after yourself, otherwise you won't be much good to anyone. Well I can tell you now that this is a hard lesson to learn especially when you've put yourself last ever since becoming a mother.
Have you thought about your blog while you've been away?
The simple answer to this is YES. During my time away I decided to enrol in an e-course run by Amy Davidson Latta from One Artys Mama and I can tell you it was the best money I've ever spent. I was one of twenty bloggers who took part in Amy's Growing Together: Summer 2013 group. During the twelve weeks I learnt about program's I didn't even knew existed, I developed skills using Picmonkey and with help from my fellow blogger's I was able to set up a Facebook page, clean up my Blog, add a button and make cosmetic changes to my blog so that it's more appealing. When I started this blog nineteen months ago I had an idea of what I wanted it to look like but as I'm not really good with computers I just did a basic job. With the assistance and guidance of Amy and the girls I cleaned up my sidebar, installed a button, added an about me page, I joined bloglovin and I added some social media buttons. So I hope you like the cleaner, modern look that I've we've created especially as it was a team effort.
Will anything be different?
Ever since I started this blog the one thing I wanted to do was share my craft projects with people. I have come to the realisation that I don't share many projects on my little blog so I'm going to work on doing and sharing projects that I do and those that I do with the children. Last year I created a board on Pinterest called 'Try Something New Tuesday' and the whole idea behind it was to find, learn and cook new recipes. As I enjoy trying new things I will be maintaining this weekly feature with the hope of building up both my skills and my Pinterest board.
In the coming weeks I hope to share some home décor projects I've been working on, share a few really yummy recipes and just babble on and on like I usually do ha ha. So I hope you come back to see what I've been working on.


  1. Yay so glad you're back hun - I'm still here following along :-)

    1. Thank you for still been a follower I've realised that I need to put a lot more effort into my little blog so I hope that you will continue to love what I'm doing. Thank you for the lovely comments Megan xxx

  2. Welcome back! I look forward to seeing your crafts and progressing along with the house all the best for your blogging adventure :)

    1. Thank you Mel. I'm happy to be back and I since having my time off I feel like I've learnt a lot. I can't wait to start doing and sharing a few projects that I've wanted to do for a while. Thank you for visiting my little blog. Megan :)
