
Friday, 1 February 2013

Organisation Diet

One of the things I love about blogging is that numerous blogs host weekly link parties. So as a reader I have the opportunity to sometimes view hundreds of craft, cooking, organising, decorating, personal etc posts and I love seeing what other people have come up with. So the other day I was checking out one of the many link parties I like when I found Jenn's blog Clean & Scentsible and she has put together a year long project that she's called 'The Household Organisation Diet to get (and stay) organised! Now I'll be honest with you I'm not the best at following rules or timetables as things happen and I never get to start with the rest of the group. I did try to participate in a 20 day challenge last year BUT I didn't get past Day One so I'm hoping that this diet will be the kick start I need.

I'm liking the planning of Jenn's Household Diet as she has suggested that if you're able to spend 30 minutes a day you'll be able to tick all the jobs off the to-do list. I chose to write out my to-do list just because there were a couple of jobs listed that I didn't have to do as my kitchen is set up is differently. I'm going to take a few before pictures and then I'll do an after photo shot so that I can share my progress. Jenn is also thinking of having a monthly link party so that we can all share our progress. Who knows if I get the kitchen area completely done I might be able to add my images to the link party.
End of my bench.
So fingers crossed I'm able to complete everything on this diet. Maybe just maybe I'll be able to lose some clutter, create a better organisation system and eat work my way to a slimmer body house. One thing I'm looking forward to doing is cleaning the stuff off our island bench and put it all away. Although there's heaps of available space in my cupboards due to never getting around to putting everything away when we moved in, EVERYONE dumps stuff on top of the bench and this makes it really difficult to find things.
My entire bench top.
As you can see I need to start Jenn's Organisation Diet otherwise my little house maybe gaining a few additional pounds and before you know it I won't be able to close the doors. I'm really excited, with Jenn's plan as it means I can still work on organising the kitchen while also spending time looking after the children. With previous plans I've basically had to fit the children into the cleaning process and this often makes it difficult to complete the daily tasks.

So I'm hoping that within the next month I'll have my kitchen up and runny. As my mother use to tell me 'everything in it's place and a place for everything' so now All I need to do is get my skates on and start organising, decluttering and putting away. Then I too shall have a beautiful home that will be easier to maintain. Enjoy your weekend, I'm hoping to have some fun with the kids and to catch up on a bit of grocery shopping. Who knows I might even get so DIY done and maybe make some biscuits for the school lunches.

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