
Thursday, 18 October 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Quinlan

Dear Quinlan,

Today you turn one years old, I can't believe how this time has speed by. It only seems like yesterday that we were meeting you first time. Having you in our lives has been the most wonderful experience and we are very thankful that God sent you to us.
Quinlan just prior to his first birthday.
Quinlan, I thought I'd write down a few things so that in the future you might learn a few things about yourself and because your mummy' memory isn't what it use to be.
1. You say 'Dada', 'Muma' and 'Baba'.
2. When someone says 'bye' or 'goodbye' you wave goodbye without looking in their direction.
3. Your favourite food is weet-bix and biscuits.
4. If Caelan, Mackenna and Viveca are eating you also have to eat otherwise you get upset.
5. You give me this beautiful kiss every day. You open your mouth, cover my lips and then press against me. I get covered in drool but your face lights up and you laugh. I LOVE IT.
6. Every time I put you to bed, I stand at the bedroom door looking through the cots slates and tell you that I LOVE YOU and I pretend to close the door. You giggle and then I open the door again which again makes you giggle.
7. Your crawl is whatever you feel like doing when you're on the floor, the worm, army crawl or the conventional crawl.
8. You pull yourself up, let go of the wall and then sit back down again.
9. You pull the girls hair whenever they annoy you and Viveca is getting her hair pulled all the time.
10. You love been carried around by your siblings especially if they start playing chasey.
11. You are so happy.
12. You like to eat a lot and you hate me wiping food off your face.
13. When you've eaten enough you will pick the food up and then throw it on the floor.
15. You sometimes shake your head 'no' but never when Viveca is near you.
16. You put things in your mouth e.g. Lego but you don't swallow them.
17. You just started climbing up Grandma's steps which scared her.
18. You love having a bath with your sister's and if you slip over you just reposition yourself.
19. You are a dream baby. You go to sleep without complaining, you're always happy and I think you're a cutie.
20. Go just go with the flow, never crying to loudly or for too long.
21. You'll play in your cot if mummy get's busy and can't get you straight away.
22. We all love blowing on your tummy to make fart noises.
23. When you fall asleep in the car, daddy is the only one who can transfer you into your cot. He holds you close and you cuddle into him.
24. You smile when mummy is telling you 'no'.
25. You're not scared to eat raw potato or sweet potato right out of the vegetable basket.
26. You have brought such joy, love and happiness to our family we are so lucky to call you our son.

We are so blessed to have you in our lives and I thank God every day for giving you to us. I cherish the relationship I have with my boys it's so easy, fun and I love that both you and your brother don't mind it when I pinch your bottoms. I love how the girls will let me tickle them and they will laugh so hard and long even after you have finished tickling them. People have asked me if our family is finished and I think it is because I already have the most fabulous children and they bring such joy, happiness and delight into our lives.
So Quinlan I hope you enjoy your 1st birthday with us and that you get to eat heaps of cake. I'm looking forward to spending some mummy and Quinlan time with you on Sunday and fingers crossed you enjoy the birthday cake you'll get to eat for breakfast.
Lots of hugs and kisses to you my beautiful boy from your brother, sisters, daddy and mummy we hope you have another great day with us.
Love Mummy xxx


  1. Loved your message for Quinlan. Such a cutie.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, I also think Quinlan is a cutie but so are the other three kids. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Replies
    1. I love all the pictures too but hey I'm his mum so I'm biased.
