
Thursday, 11 October 2012

5 Minute Craft Project.

The other day as I was packing one of the many boxes that still need unpacking I came across my cake stand. I was really happy about finding it because Quinlan's First Birthday is coming up next week and having the stand will allow me to ice all of his cake instead of missing sections so that I can transfer it to a plate. I gave it a wipe over and then sat it on my kitchen bench for a couple of hours.
Sorry for the poor quality photo's I used my mobile.

I had previously cleared all the clutter off the top of the kitchen benches and they needed to be dressed a little it pretty the area up. I knew that on the benches near the oven I had to keep my utensil container and the knife block so I was only left with the island bench to use for my cake stand. Above my island bench is three orange pendant lights and when turned on they give off an orange hue, which at night is nice especially if you want to spend time talking with your significant other.
Now with four children I didn’t have much time to think about how I was going to spruce up the cake stand so I left it until the following day as Mr Opoes was taking all four kids out to a Lego display. Not long after they left I remembered that I’d bought some Washi Tape a couple of months prior to moving into our new house. So I grab my supply of tape and I sat down with the cake stand and tape to see which one worked best.
As soon as I opened up the package I found this cute orange washi tape that was 10mm wide. This size was perfect for the cake stand as the plates rim was about 5mm wide so it worked well. I lay the stand on its side and then I wrapped the washi tape around the rim and hey presto an instant make over.
Again another bad mobile phone photograph BUT if you look
closely you can see the orange colour around the rim of the cake stand.
The great thing about the washi tape is that if you make a mistake you can pull it up and re-stick onto the stands surface. When I was happy with how it looked I stuck the remaining tape under the plate so that it wasn’t visible.
Now I had to test it out to see if it worked and I’m pleased to stay that with a quick wipe of a damp clothes the plate stand was clean and the washi tape was still in place. This was a quick and fun project so I’m looking for other things that I can decorate.


  1. I think we need to get you a new camera Megan!

    1. Yes I need both a new camera and a new mobile phone. I have learnt one thing though don't do anything crafty or blog worthy when daddy is out with the kid's. Better still make sure I have the camera so that I can take pictures instead of relying on the out of date mobile lol. Maybe soon I'll get a camera any ideas of which type would work for me!!!!!!!

  2. Girl - I need washi tape - I wish we could get it here.
    Wow I cant believe your wee man is going to be 1

    1. Hi Natalie, I saw the jewellery you posted about today it is so beautiful. Good luck with the market your going to do. I thought I'd give you the link to the site that I got mine from. Postage isn't too bad considering I'd have to pay about $8.00 on top of there $6.50 Australian fee so the $12.50 international is cheap considering. Also the tape goes on sale some time.

      I hope you don't mind me sharing I just thought that it might help you in the future. Another place to look might be a scrapbooking shop (all our have gone online so I couldn't even go and check the prices there for you).

      Quinlan is a week off his first birthday, I can't believe the year has flown by so quickly. I better get a birthday cake organised lol xxx
