
Friday, 15 June 2012

Craft Challenge

You may have noticed that I've been missing lately. I'm really sorry for doing this but life has gotten somewhat complicated lately and my time has been eaten up with final house related issues, school requirements and other general kid related issues. So every night when I'm in bed I start thinking about all the things I'll need to do once we move into this house of ours. I'm trying to get a list together of all the necessities that I need to buy and a list of all the things I want to make.

So the other night I went to my Pinterest boards and started looking at them so that I could find a place to start. So over the coming weeks these are the three projects I've set for myself to work on, complete and install in the house. Now if only I could figure out a way to get this all done during the day and not in the early hours of the morning.

I found this great idea here
I'm wanting to put this up in the children's activity room so that all their lovely creations can be displayed and the refrigerator is kept free of creative clutter. Mackenna creates four or more pictures everytime she goes to kindy so it'll be like her own Art Gallery. I've already started on this project but I still have a few things I need to buy and work out before I can show you the finished project.

The next item is something different. It won't be seen in the house but it's something I'm going to give a try and the great thing about this is it could serve two purposes. I found it at Whole Living and it would be a great necklace or scarf depending on the occassion.

You can find a tutorial here
And finally this is the last project I'll be attempting to complete. Again, it's for the Children's Activity room but it seems that everything I find these days is suitable for the kids and their play area in the house. I'm wanting to try and create a bold, colourful and warm place for each of them to hang out while enjoying each others company and space. Sounds good but I think I'm asking for the impossible.

It's amazing what you can do with crayons and a hair dryer find the details here
There you have it I'm going to attempt to get these three projects completed by the end of July. Wish me luck because somewhere in there I'll be spending time moving into our new house, unpacking every item we own, removing stuff we don't want and making sure we have everything we do need.

Once I've finished a project I'll give you the details of how it's gone. I'm hoping I have heaps of successes and no failures but if I do I'll keep it real and show you how it's turned out.



  1. Wishing you smooth sailing as you work on getting your projects completed.

  2. Hi Allana thanks for the encouragement I'm going to need it especially with all the stuff thats going on at the moment. I've already made a start on a couple of things but I think I need to choose one thing start there, complete it and then do up a post. Hope they look good in the new house.
