
Thursday, 3 May 2012

organisation .. what happens when it all falls apart

So we're back at school and it's already week three of a ten week term. During first term we moved from our rental (which was less than 10 kilometres from the block and school) into Grandma and Grandpa's granny flat for a few months while the house is being built. We are so grateful that they have allowed Mr Opoes and our four noisy children to move in with them. The only problem is that we are now living closer to the CBD and further away from school and the block.

So we all adjusted really well. We worked on our time management each morning so much that we always arrived at school with 25 minutes to spare in the morning. It was great Caelan had time to play with his mates when they arrived or he got time to work on the computers before school. Things started going downhill just prior to the Easter holidays starting. During his last week of school Caelan was late every day. Something had happened, our morning routine was no longer working and I didn't know why it was happening.

So a whole month has passed and Caelan, Mr Opoes and Mackenna are all arriving late to school, work and kindy. I have tried rushing everyone out the door, I've made lunches the night before, I've allowed people to eat breakfast in the car and I've even skipped eating breakfast. Last week Caelan arrived at school 90 minutes late and it wasn't because of the traffic. So after reading Naomi's post from Seven Cherubs about how she's come to organises her weekly grocery shop and what she does to allow time to get everything organised I decided to turn over a new leaf.

So it's been two days and I'm proud to say that everyone is getting to where they need to be on time. Caelan is arriving 30 minutes before the school bell rings, Mr Opoes is getting to work a whole hour earlier and that's even after sitting in traffic for a while and my beautiful Mackenna is getting to kindy within the first 10 minutes of playtime. Today Mackenna even got to line up outside the gate while we waited for the teachers to let everyone in.

So I've improved on my time management skills in the area of travelling to and from BUT I've dropped the ball on looking after my blog. You'll have noticed that I haven't posted anything over the last three days. So I can improve in one area but I take away from another area. Story of my life I just need to balance everything out to make it work..

Now I have a very good reason for why I haven't written anything lately. I was working on a decorative item for the new house but unfortunately I tried playing around with it too much and it's failed. I was really disappointed especially as I'd spent hours rolling small pieces of paper around a piece of dowel. I've put my thinking cap on and I'm going to attempt something else and this time if it fails I'm going to post pictures just to prove that I haven't been slacking off.

So without further ado I'll get to it while my two youngest are asleep and hopefully I'll have something to show you soon.


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