
Sunday, 22 April 2012

Tall girls do it better......

I've had a secret obsession for the last 18 plus months and I look everyday for one or even two, so much so that I've become scared I'm never going to find her. I've stalked Gumtree, hunted on eBay and I've even started locating Antique stores that I could try to hunt it down at. Due to her varying age I want her looking nice and old without being brittle. I want original markings to show her personality, I want her to have character but to still be able to serve her purpose in our lives.

So Mr Opoes and I decided we'd take the children to an Antique store I'd found on Gumtree, they'd advertised that they had numerous different girls so on my way out the door I grabbed the laptop. I remembered how to find the address by typing in a couple of words into the search function. I then clicked onto any advertisement and at the bottom of their ad I'd find a reference to the Antique store. So I typed in the magic words, scrolled down a few advertisements and there she was. I'd seen her before but I hadn't done anything about it for a few reasons 1. I didn't have anywhere to store her until she'd be needed, 2. She was 6 foot, I wasn't sure if this was too tall or she'd be just right and 3. I didn't think we could spend the $50 they were asking (the Antique stores starting price was $55 and I was preparing to spend that) especially as a few bills would be arriving soon.

Well imagine my surprise when I discovered she was being given away, they were asking less than half of her original asking price. I told Mr Opoes I'd ring the seller to see if she was still available but people are good at leaving their ads up even when they've gotten rid of their items. Oh my gosh she was still available and her current owner was willing for me to come and have a look at her. I went off to look for bath towels but I couldn't find anything I liked, so off we went to the address.

We arrived early, really early. Viveca and Quinlan were asleep when we arrived but Viveca woke about 10 minutes after we arrived. I fed the kids Anzac biscuits for afternoon tea while we waited for the owner to arrive. Quinlan slept through the entire waiting period and he only woke up when I was trying to get her into the car. I was worried she'd hung her head out the window and that Quinlan would pull on her rope especially as she was over his car seat the entire trip home. Quinlan was gentle with her, he pulled her rope a few times but Mr Opoes turned around and moved her rope thus protecting Quinlan and her from getting hurt.

Driving slowly we arrived home a little later than it would have taken normally, but she was safe. Mr Opoes and I carried her in and we found her somewhere safe to sit. She was nearly home, I had her and I was now her owner. Finally after all these months of looking, she was mine. I could take her to the new house when it was finished and I could find the perfect place for her. I would make it her room beautiful, it would be full of warmth, styled and personality. She would be the newest member to our family. She would be arriving long before the veggie patch, the hen house and the hens.

So after much thought, time and effort I'd love for you all to meet LOTTY.


She is the apple of my eye, she will hold onto our towels with love because we took the time, effort and gentle care of her. With a little sanding to remove some of the blue paint or with additional white paint we will give her a some more personality. She will look after Mr Opoes and I for a long time and I will replace her missing nail as a sign of love and respect.


  1. Hi! I'm your newest follower and co-host of this month's blog hop. Thanks so much for joining in on the fun :) I'm looking forward to getting you know you better!

    The ladder is gorgeous!!

    1. Thank you for following my blog. I've set a goal of having 20 followers by the end of May so you have helped me get that much closer. I'm loving the ladder to. My mother in-law has just told me that she has one the same size so now the kids will get one in their bathroom. :) big smile on my face....

      I'll stop by to share the love. xx
