
Friday, 27 April 2012

so many disappointments Coral Homes

It was ANZAC DAY yesterday here in Australia, so that means a public holiday. This gave Mr Opoes, the kids and I a chance to go to the block and investigate closely what's been happening with the build. Each of the big builders require you to attend a finishing appointment soon after signing your contract so that you can choose everything you need for your future house. We'll I thought I had done a great job considering we signed our contract not long after Quinlan was born and then I pulled an all nighter to finish off the thousand and one options we had available to us and Quinlan wasn't even a month old.

So you can imagine that at the start of the build I was OK that Coral had delivered the wrong water tank see here. I was a little scared that the wrong coloured roof tiles had been delivered but at least I noticed this mistake before they had layed them all. So yesterday I've noticed some mistakes, the painter rang up to change our appointment which delays the job that little bit more and I've had to contact the building supervisor because there been a mistake made in the laundry. So now I'm annoyed, especially as I have know idea what I'm expected to do.

So lets look at the mistakes that have happened. In both bathrooms (kid's and our ensuite) we're  having double basins on black Caesarstone bench tops. The two basins are more convenient especially as I have 2 girls who are 18 months apart and when they become teenagers the boys may want to get into the bathroom each morning to brush their teeth.

Now at our finishing appointment I had a choice between picking a Mixer or 3 piece tap ware. At the moment in Australia mixer's are being used by everyone either in their renovations, in new builds and in all the decorating magazines. With four children 7 and under I don't want to give them the opportunity to turn the water off and on so easily.


So instead of choosing the mixer in the kids bathroom for their bath, shower and basins I've gone with the 3 piece tap ware. They may be considered old fashioned but I'm hoping that I choose the more modern version of the 3 piece tap ware.

So I really like my choice of taps but unfortunately these three pieces won't fit into a sink that looks like this. As you can see we need three holes in the top of the sink, this lovely sink has three holes but they are in a vertical line. This so won't work!!!


So this is a small issue but what I don't understand is how they made the mistake in the first place. The other more pressing issue I now have is the tiler placed some of our floor tiles on the wall in the laundry even though he had paperwork telling him what was to go were. He'd even written it down himself again so that he would get it right. Having spoken to a supervisor today at Coral they are telling me that I'm responsible for purchasing more tiles because we went with the 'owner supply' option. What's frustrating me is that I'd purchased more than the required 10% wastage needed and there's only 3 tiles remaining. The tiler has laid 4.5 tiles and the floor tiles are bigger than the wall tiles that were to go onto the wall. I now have to decide what I'm going to do tile wise in the laundry, I'll be fighting them for compensation though because this was their tilers error not mine. The other tile issue is he's done the feature tile wrong and again this will be a huge expense to us because of his mistake.

Fingers crossed I can work these issues out and it'll be smooth sailing from here on in.


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