
Tuesday, 24 April 2012

my little man is 6 months old

Quinlan turned 6 months old last Wednesday and I'm amazed at how quickly time has flown by. He's a really happy and social little boy. So you can imagine my surprise when I went into Bed Bath 'n' Table at Westfield Chermside and he just let out this load noise the entire time while I was inside looking. He hates not moving, so when in a shop I have to push the pram backwards and forwards the entire time. This can be really annoying for the other customers.

Since then we've only had the one instance, so I'm hoping his performance was just because he was really tired. Viveca was sharing the pram with him and I was quiet surprised that she didn't react to the noise he was making. Viveca shows me regularly that yes she can be a naughty girl but she has many times of being a polite and caring especially towards Quinlan. I'm hoping that when Quinlan gets older she will continue to interact with him just as she does now. The one thing I think Quinlan will ask make her to stop cuddling him all the time. 

Originally I was going to post a heap of pictures of Quinlan from birth up to the present day but then on Saturday Quinlan and I had a little photo shoot. I'd placed him on our bed while I packed up a few things before we rushed off to our various swimming lessons. Caelan called me into the room to watch Quinlan interact with Viveca's doll which she had handed over for him to play with. So here are all the pictures I took of him, there are a heap so I'm sorry for the picture overload.

Everything goes in his month now.

I love his eyes, they open up his face.

Getting close with dolly.

He sometimes sleeps with his mouth open.

Blowing raspberries on dolly's tummy.

6 months and 3 days old, he's growing up so quickly.

I got asked the other day if Mr Opoes and I were thinking of having anymore babies. My response was that if I could give birth to a baby just like Quinlan I'd have another one in a heartbeat but each child is different so it's not possible. She told me that 'you should stop once you've reached perfection'.  So that's what i'm going to do.



  1. What a cutie! I am your newest follower from the Networking Blog Hop! I would love if you would check out my blog and if you like what you see please follow back :)
    Modern Modest Beauty

  2. Thank you Jenny for becoming my newest follower. I think my little man is a cutie but then I'm biased. I'll be dropping over to your blog to have a look. The Networking Blog Hop is a great idea and in previous blog hops I've attracted a few more followers so I hope you also pick up some more followers.

    Thanks for the lovely comment :)
