
Monday, 2 April 2012

I have a KITCHEN

Today is the first day of school holidays so I loaded the kids into the car and off we went to the block. I knew that the fit out carpenter was coming today, I wanted to talk to him about the height of the skirting board or baseboards if you live in America. Click here for a detailed definition. Seems like a silly question but I want our tiles to sit under the skirting boards so I needed to take a floor tile with me to show the guys its height and then I have to allow for the glue being used. I arrived at 9am and these guys were no shows, instead I found the plasterers there checking over their work and giving the walls and ceiling a final sanding. They ran out of time on Friday due to being stuck in traffic after an unexpected traffic accident.

What I wasn't expecting today was to find that our kitchen was being installed. My first comment was that I'd hoped that the cabinet maker had received the correct plans considering we'd spent hours going over the plan and then pointing out every mistake Coral had made. We had to get them to draw up the plans 6 times before they got it right, so now I'm going to have to and look it over when its finished to make sure that everythings alright.

So this got me to thinking about how things are going to look. I found a few pictures of what I'd end up with so I thought I'd share them with you.
Small gallery kitchen.
Gallery kitchen with butlers pantry.

Black caesarstone bench top. LOVE.
3 pendant lights.
So these four pictures helped me form the idea behind what I wanted in my kitchen. I wanted to have a black Cesarstone bench with waterfall ends, three pendant lights over the breakfast bar area, to have a gallery style kitchen and to have a large butlers pantry. The majority of the display homes we visited all had butler pantries, they were all galley styled and they were all super shiny. So I was hoping to pull off the shiny look but as that was going to cost big $$$ I had to settle for something slightly different.

I have a few pictures of what arrived today and as I'm going up to the block again tomorrow I'll have a few more pictures of what's been done. I'm hoping that the lights match up, that the colour looks good and that the cupboards etc are all correct.

Some of my drawers.
My Island bench and that little black area in the
top right hand corner is my pantry.
This is looking at the kitchen from outside. The Island bench will be a breakfast bar, hold the kitchen sink and the dishwasher will also be here. The oven, microwave and fridge are on the back wall.
So here's hoping that I get to there tomorrow and my carpenters are there, I don't really want to waste another trip to the block with 4 bored children who'll want to get out and run around. I'm hoping that the kitchen may have been layed out, this will allow me to check that everything is correct. Fingers crossed.



  1. love to see your kitchen taking place! I had to come and say hi when I saw you were living in a granny flat waiting for your house to be built! I'm going to have to hunt ABC for kids on tv too. I miss foxtel so much

    after having just done our kitchen it's so exciting to see yours take shape! it was the first time I ever renovated and I learnt so much and I actually am looking forward to doing the kitchen again but am going to just make it a bit bigger and fancier

    good luck

    1. I'm getting the same benchtop that you had in your house. The other thing that I'm thinking of taking from your kitchen makeover is the Ikea bar stools you used. We are using a black tile for the splash back and I've got orange pendant lights to go over the breakfast bar.

      My in-laws have Foxtel and as we are so close to them I get to hear the programs they are watching. The kids are missing ABC for kids and I can't wait for them to catch up.

      I can't wait to see the kitchen upgrade in your new house. I'll be watching to see what you do.

      Have a safe Easter.
