
Sunday, 8 April 2012

5 days of Cupcakes

Recently I started sharing some of my recipes on various link parties and the lovely Carolyn from Homework featured my 'Yoghurt and Apricot Cupcakes' on her Inspiration Pinboard Springtime Cupcakes. So now I have the privilege of putting her featured button on my blog for all to see. Yah. I'm so happy because there are people out there beside my family who are looking at what I'm doing, they are liking it and I'm getting a pat on the back. So thank you Carolyn.

After this happened I decided that I'd save you from all the boring building things that are happening and I'd do '5 Days Of Cupcakes' starting on Monday. So because it's Easter and chocolate eggs are all the rage I'll start with an Easter egg inspired cupcake. To enable these cupcakes to be used in school lunches there will be a couple of mini cupcakes, large one for hubbies' lunch or morning tea with friends and lastly I try to make a large cupcake that's suitable for a birthday party.

Here is what I'm planning to do during the next five days.
Monday:                  Mini Easter Egg Surprise
Tuesday:                 Date Cupcakes
Wednesday:           Red Velvet Mini Cupcakes
Thursday:               Strawberry Yoghurt Cupcakes
Friday:                     Cookie Monster Cupcakes

I'm going to show you the good, the bad and the ugly. I'm still learning how to use this gas oven and when we move into the new house I'll have another gas oven to learn how to use. I'm hoping that by using this older model gas oven I'll be an expert when we move into the new place. My plan is to get the cooking done the day before, ice them after the kids go to bed and then write up my blog before posting it the next day.

That's the plan whether or not it works out that way I guess we'll have to see. I'm sure that babies will need feeding, nappies will need changing and then there's things that might happen with the build. I know I have to meet with the tiler but that'll only happen after he contacts me.

Here are some really beautiful cupcakes. Leave a comment and let me know what cupcake you or your family like the most.

find the recipe here

 find the recipe here

So I'll see you tomorrow with the first of my cupcake creations. I hope you are having a safe, happy Easter and I'll see you tomorrow with my Mini Easter Egg Surprise.

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