
Friday, 2 March 2012

A gap he's happy to have.

This month is a busy one for our family, we have some birthdays to celebrate, we are moving out of our rental, Caelan has a talk to give at school and there are a heap of supplies I need to pay off and deliver to the site. So I'm hoping that my memory kicks in so that I don't forget anything on my long to-do-list. Today is my brother in-laws birthday so we'd all like to wish Craig a happy 35th birthday. We hope that you enjoyed your day and that you get to celebrate with friends and loved ones during the weekend.

The other significant event that happened today involved Caelan. He's been at home the last two days due to having an upset stomach so I was really happy that I was with him when this milestone happened at lunchtime. Here is the before picture...

He picked the place he wanted to pose for this photo.

He was eating his lunch which Mr Opoes had prepared for him. After finishing his sandwich Viveca and Caelan asked their father for an apple each, while eating the apple this is what happened.

He lost his first tooth.
If you look closely you can see the new tooth has already broken the skin. Caelan had been having a bit of pain from this tooth as it may have been pushing against the loose tooth but as soon as it was out the pain disappeared. I was surprised with the amount of blood but I soon stopped it by having him gargle salty water - the facial expressions were priceless.

When we picked Mackenna up from Kindy Caelan asked her if there was anything different about him? She looked closely, thought about it and then asked him:
'Where has your wibbly tooth gone?'
'Did it leave Caelan?'
He was so proud you couldn't wipe the smile off his face. We then spent the next 5 hours talking about the tooth fairy and what it was he thought she should give him.

Mr Opoes and I have decided that we aren't going to do the whole tooth fairy thing as it can become a bit of a competition amongst other parents and with four kids it could become expensive. So now Caelan is like everyone else in his class he's minus a tooth.


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