
Thursday, 9 February 2012

Turning 2

This is our beautiful little girl who turned 2 today. Viveca is very independent, strong minded, a bit rough and sometimes she can be a girly girl. In the last week Mr Opoes and I have both noted a few changes. She is talking more, she isn't just following what Caelan and Mackenna do she goes and plays on her own, more importantly she is smiling more and warming more towards other (we still have to work on this one though).

I hope this coming year allows her to develop better communication, allows her to learn how to SHARE with her siblings more, learn to relax while having her swimming lessons and for her to develop an appreciation of animals and people.

Viveca did really well cutting her cake and blowing out her candles. The pictures aren't the best but at least you can share in the moment. I will add more pictures at the end of the week. Check back on Monday for a tutorial on how I decorated the cake. Plus I have a fun project that Caelan and I worked on for school and for our future Gallery Wall.


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