
Tuesday, 28 February 2012

How to frame a house

I thought that I'd show you a few pictures today of whats been happening on our block. This past week the weather hasn't been on our side so the chippies had a few days off and this means that our finish time has been put back for the second time since construction started. I'm planning on taking a trip up to the block after school pick up today so I'm hoping all the framing has finished.

Mr Opoes and I took a trip to the block on Sunday and with the front section completed I decided to measure the rooms up because they looked soooooo small. I've been told by everyone that this is a common feeling at the framing stage. What I didn't realise was how tiny everything felt. As we stood in the living room there was no way that this room felt like it was 5.8 metres along the front of the property, the tape measure assured us that it was. I'm sure when the plasterboard goes on, things will look different.

So here is a few pictures of the house.
This photo was taken from the garage door.
This is the front of the house, on the left is the living room, on the right is the kitchen area and at the end of the hallway the media room will be there. I'm actually thinking that I could use it during the day as a craft room and the good thing about this room is that it has concealed sliding door so my mess can easily be hidden.

View from the front door.
I can't wait to decorate the wall that's directly in front of the entry door. I'm going to create a gallery wall. There are a few things that are worrying me with this wall. It's 7.3 metres long, so I don't want to have it look cluttered, I don't have enough frames to use, I'm not sure if I should use a selection of things e.g. kid's art, photo canvas, coloured photos, black and white photos, decorative objects etc or if I should just use black and white pictures of our family so that it doesn't compete with the light in the entry? I'm really going to have to plan this out.

Looking down the hallway out to the wrong water tank.
This is the view from our bedroom door out towards the kids bedrooms, wet areas and the activity room. I'm hoping that the water tank gets moved soon otherwise its going to be quite difficult to move.

Looking into Mackenna's bedroom from Caelan's room
Mackenna's room is at the back of the house so she will get to look out onto the future vegetable garden, the trampoline and any yard that we'll have left. Now here is a picture of the most important room in any house.

The toilet or Water Closet.
To the left of the toilet is Quinlan's room which will eventually become Caelan's room and on the right hand side is the bathroom. Now if only I could train the children into cleaning the toilet and bathroom regularly I'd have two less spaces to clean each time. If only.....

So there is only two more sleeps until Mr Opoes gets home and the kids can't wait. I'll be happy when he gets home because Viveca can stop pointing at random men and yelling DADDY, DADDY, DADDY.


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