
Monday, 20 February 2012

Building verses Weather

On Friday, you may have seen my post about how the slab was being boxed up so that the slab could be poured. As Mr Opoes and I walked around I became a little worried that Quinlan's bedroom was too small, that the dinning area didn't look like it would fit our dinning table and that the car wouldn't fit into the garage. Mr Opoes didn't seem worried, he assured me that they wouldn't have made anything mistakes. I remember hearing from our real eastate agents last year that her girlfriend was building a 4 bedroom house which accidently became 3 bedrooms due to the builder not following the plan.

So over the weekend Mr Opoes, Caelan, Mackenna and Viveca visited the block to see if the slab had been poured. Guess what it had. It was extremely hot so I have to apologise for the hazey pictures.
This is the garage and the children are standing in what will be the alfresco area. Our concern now is how we'll park the car in the garage due to the step. We won't be adding the driveway until we have additional funds. It looks like we are going to have to get a few lengths of timber or a heap of gravel to fix that issue.

My little cuties hunging out in the Living Room.
The house now seems a little bigger but there are things that I can see which I don't understand. It won't be until they start laying bricks before I can figure out what it'll look like. I hate being a visual person, it takes soooo long to see what the end product will look like.

This is the view from the back of the house (this area will be Caelan and Mackenna's bedrooms) out towards the driveway. Mr Opoes said that they were only there for 5 minutes due to the heat and you can see how hot it is because Mackenna looks all fuzzy. So all the frame work is been delivered today and the guys should be on site tomorrow to start putting it together. This should take them about a week BUT we have either rain or high temperatures forecast for the rest of the week - fingers crossed it doesn't rain too much.



  1. Hi Megan!

    Thank you so very much for participating in the blog hop -- and posting the blog series button on your blog! You ROCK!! Wishing you much success in your bloggy endeavors. Excited new follower :)


  2. Hi! I'm your newest follower! I can not wait to see your house grow! Sounds awesome.. Come check out my blog if you have a min..
