It's four months today since our family was blessed by the arrival of Quinlan Gregory. He is such a beautiful little boy who is loved greatly by his siblings, who brings me such joy especially when we cuddle together. He can make people stop and talk when he gives them one of his wide-eyed smiles. My time with Quinlan is so precious especially as time seems to be flying by and before we know it he'll be walking, talking and running around with his big brother and sisters. I'm so blessed that God gave Quinlan to Mr Opoes and I, Quinlan is the child many mother's wish for. He sleeps well, is easy to nurse and he just fits within the family no matter what's going on. I remember when Caelan was born we took thousands of photo's of him in his first year, Mackenna it was only a few hundred, Viveca was always part of a group photo with the odd individual photo here and there BUT in the last week I've tried to take some photo's of Quinlan so that we have pictures to look back on. At the beginning of February I managed to get some photo's of Quinlan sitting up on the couch, he held his position for quite a while before he slide down.

Starting to slide but still watching Mummy
Turned a little, things aren't looking too good.
He is so close to being on his tummy.
His little legs were going BUT he couldn't figure out what to do with his
head. He didn't cry but he did dribble all over the seat so we had to clean that up.
I sat him in the corner position next for a little more support, Caelan calls this the 'Cool Dude' photo.
I started a list for Quinlan to remember the '10 Things' that he was doing at this age that I either found cute or that melted my heart. At times when the girls aren't getting along I look at Quinlan and things don't seem so bad. Here is my list:
1. The smiles you give me just before you turn your head and close your eyes.
2. How comfortable you are in Caelan’s arms when he carries you around the house while mummy is busy with one of the girls.
3. The way you cuddle into the nap of my neck when you've been woken from a sleep.
4. How you let your sisters continually kiss and cuddle you even when you have only just woken up and all you’re after is a feed.
5. How you sleep through the night for at least 11 hours and you've been doing it since you were 8 weeks old.
6. How Mackenna calms you down when you’re upset and crying while we are doing school drop-off. It’s as simple as her softly saying shhh shhh shhh to you over and over again.
7. How I can put you on the floor in front of the television with your brother and sisters for at least 20 minutes while I get dinner organised.
8. How the simplest thing can make you give cute laugh.
9. How Viveca tells people you're ‘a baby’ and when they look at you you give them a smile.
10. The way you hold my finger and the loving looks you give me while I’m nursing you every morning and evening, it just warms melts my heart.
I wish I could freeze these moments in time so that you don’t grow up and so that you still think of me as been the most important person in the world. I hope we continue to build beautiful moments together.
Mummy (Megan)
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