
Tuesday, 7 January 2014

One Word for 2014 - BEGIN

Welcome to 2014 I hope you've enjoyed the first week of the new year. This year I'm wanting to do things differently than I did in 2013. My New Years Resolutions for 2011, 2012 and 2013 saw me wanting to be more ORGANISED and like all resolutions I'd failed within the first month or two of the year. This year as I read a few of my favourite blogs I read how they were picking a word to live by in 2014 and it got me thinking what my WORD would be?

After spending a few days thinking about it I asked God to give me some help as I wasn't been inspired by the words I was coming up with and then on Saturday I found my word. I'd like to say I found my word while sitting quietly and reflecting on things BUT that wasn't the case. I found my word during my weekly Weight Watchers meeting and when I heard it, I knew in an instance that it was my word. I felt like I was having one of those 'ah ha moments' that Oprah talked about so often.

When I found my word I quickly realised that I'd already been using BEGIN prior to hearing it. Towards the end of December I'd decided that 2014 was going to be the year that I actually lost weight instead of bouncing around the same numbers like I had during 2013. So this year I've decided to:

Begin eating at regular times to kick start my metabolism.
Begin drinking more water everyday.
Begin walking so that my weight loss journey can be kick started.
Begin de-cluttering the house of all the stuff we've accumulated.
Begin decorating the house as we're nearing two years since we moved in and none of the rooms are decorated yet.
Begin spending more one on one time with Mr Opoes taking, relaxing and planning family activities.
Begin organised so that I know what activities are happening at kindy or school this year.
Begin spending more time doing fun things with the children.
Begin been a better mum and wife.

I know that I'm a bit slow to this trend of picking one little word to focus your year on and around and then sharing it, especially as other bloggers have been doing it for a few years now. I'm looking forward to trying this new approach especially as I've never been able to stick to New Years Resolutions for more than a few days and what I like about this 'trend' is that it allows me to re-start whenever I feel I've lost track of what I was meant to be doing. I'm excited to try this new approach especially with my word as it'll allow me to begin fresh every day while also allowing me to try different things if and when I feel the need to do so.

So tell me, have you written down a few resolutions that you're going to try sticking to or have you picked a word which you're going to focus your attention on. I'd love to hear what you're wanting to achieve this year?
